Monday, May 12, 2014

Her Majesty

He dared not refuse the Queen, for her scorn seem to hold more fury and destruction than any battle he had been in, but more so the sight of her melted him from the inside out, her warm embrace welcomed him home and her soft voice held him captive. So his only answer was "As you wish," when she said "Daddy, let's have a tea party!"

I've been gone from this writing for so long I needed to get back into it. I wrote this super short story after looking for writing prompts and stumbling upon The Sarcastic Muse and finding some really great writing tips and then a TON of writing prompts on their tumblr. This immediately made me think of how The Sgt. would act if we have a little girl one day, I love watching the Princess Bride, so of course I had to put the obvious homage to it in there.

Writing this little piece had me really thinking about growing our family and who I hope my kids will be someday. At first I was obviously thinking about if I have a daughter how much I want her to just be happy and comfortable with herself, since I never was and how much I don't want her to take 20 plus years to find out who she is and fully embrace it. Then I thought "Well, I want that for ALL my kids, no matter their gender," which makes sense and I'm sure that's really all any parent wants for their kid(s). Naturally, the best way to shape them is to be the person you want them to be, so I've made a promise to myself, from now on I will:
  • pray more and study His word a lot more
  • take time to read, write, take pictures or anything that brings me joy and relaxation.
  • STOP being negative with myself and comparing myself to others
  • give more praise than ridicule
  • accept compliments as they are
  • drink more tea
  • enjoy seeing myself in the mirror
  • never feel guilty about eating something and stop over indulging on junk
  • continue to be active
  • listen to my body when it needs rest
  • accept when I need help instead of pushing through in fear of looking weak

There's probably more I could do to improve on myself, but this is a good place to start.  I just hope that I will set a good example for my little Monster and any more that come along.

The sarcastic muse prompts can be found here and I definitely plan on using more to help me get back in the game :)

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