Monday, September 1, 2014

Role Model Moday: Celena

We're back on track this week! Today's post would not be happening without my cousin Celena, she grew up with my sister and although I would love to give her more of an introduction I think most of you will be more than happy to jumping right in and learning more about this small business owner, mom and artist. So without further delay, I gladly present Celena of Baby Dee Designs.

What do you do? 
Currently I am a stay at home mom but also co-owner and artist for Baby Dee Designs. I hand make earrings, fascinators, hair pieces for that one of kind woman. 

Who or what inspires you? 
I am inspired by creative people, anything that inspires me as awesome. It could be a book, a show- sometimes we have shows at burlesque events that have specific themes. I usually make some items specifically for them which allows me to get creative within certain parameters. I have done sideshow freak shows, Star Trek, whatever. Also bands, like The Chop Tops, who I made a bow inspired by their logo. I now have a deal with them and make their official hair accessory merchandise. They're an awesome band by the way, check em out!

What gives you the drive to do what you do? 
My drive is my kids, bills, lol, but as corny as it sounds making people feel beautiful; I really do consider my pieces a part of me and if I make someone happy by wearing it, it really makes me ecstatic. If someone wasn't satisfied with a piece then I am embarrassed and want to make it right. 
Sometimes women have ordered veils for their wedding day and that makes me so happy to be a part of their special day. It really does

Do you have a set of core values you live by?
The core values of my life are: be yourself, be happy no matter the circumstances, and persevere through it all.
Life throws you curveballs, instead of stressing about what to do and letting it bring you down I think it's important to remember the most important things in your life and that's family and faith. When my dad was sick and made it through he told me after it was all done when life gives you problems with money, a job, or whatever. There are more important things going on, you have to enjoy life, sometimes you may thinks things are major but you "can't sweat the little things" life is too short. 

How have/do you overcome obstacles that pop-up?
Ummm, just deal with it and move on. Try to stay focused on the end game and prioritize on how to get through it. And pray, I don't go to church as often as I used to, but I pray. I thank God for all the wonderful things he has done in my life because I am grateful and then ask for guidance and the strength to get through it. I know prayer works whatever god or inner spirituality you may have. Prayer works.

What have been life-changing moments for you?
My life changing moment for me was when I was laid off from an awful job where I was constantly reduced and marginalized. I worked in a male dominated industry and worked my tail off for nothing. Constantly trying to prove myself and in the end was laid off. That made me decide to not be the uneducated (don't get me wrong I know I am intelligent) young Latin woman who just knew how to answer phones. Nope that wasn't me. So I went back to school and majored in computer science and got my degree as a systems analyst. I still and working on the long game of achieving my bachelors degree but that's still in the works. Unfortunately I'm holding off on the bachelors degree because in today's weird employment market I'm not sure where exactly I want to go with my education. So I'm using my creativity and doing accessories in the meantime. Weird right?

Who is one (or more) of your role models and why?
Role models...I think my parents are my role models with my current relationship. I look at them and realize no matter what goes on in your life you have to work at it and you will be happy. But it takes work and lots of lows. But with the lows are highs :-) life isn't easy, nothing about it is.

Also, there is a hair accessory lady named Nina Olivia "vintagebox 1947" she is a mom/ business woman and is amazing. I don't know her personally, but nowadays people FB everything.

I'm not going to go the Matthew McConaughey route and say I'm my own role model even though that speech was spectacular! Lol

If you could spread a message to the world, what would it be?
I would want people to know that I know miracles can happen. I don't know if it's actually God or what it is, but there are things that if you strongly I mean cry-your-eyes-out-on-your-hands-and-knees need to happen and really ask that it happen. You think about what you are asking and know and understand what you want and really, really, really want it. It will happen.

I don't know where this would fit but this is somewhat personal but I want people to know I can testify to really having something I wanted.
My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Oral cancer just before the holidays of 2008. He was so sick going through chemo, it was really hard to see him go through it. I remember one day he told me that when they were making him a mask to hold his head in place while he got radiation he was getting really claustrophobic, panicking actually. But he said "I just thought of my grandson and how happy he made me and it got me through it" now before my dad was sick I had been trying to get pregnant it just wasn't happening. So oh well that's it my kid is going to be an only child. But when my dad was diagnosed, I know this sounds selfish, but I thought "God if you allow me one more child I know it will help my dad get through this, let me give my dad one last grandbaby to make him happy and have something to give him hope to get through this."
It was probably the hardest most serious conversation I ever had with God I was driving home from school talking to myself, well, talking to God, and one week later, after about 5.5 years, I'm pregnant.
So I know and I want people to know prayer and faith works. It works. My dad told me after it all he thought of his grand babies and how he looked forward to meeting his grand daughter he got through it.


If you'd like to see more of or are interested in buying her hand crafted work, check out her online store. And if you have questions about Celena's art  you can always leave them here in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by on this Labor Day Monday, I know you could be out grilling or swimming or enjoying the last gasp of summer in any way you choose and you chose to stop by my humble little page and read this. Now go out, be positive and remember your role model or at least try to be one for someone else because Monday's suck, but they suck a lot less when you're awesome.

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